
Steam boiler pics-ZG Boiler with subsidy project machine

Steam Boilers introduction:

The steam boiler or generator is an integral component of a steam engine when considered as a prime mover. However it needs be treated separately, as to some extent a variety of generator types can be combined with a variety of engine units. A steam boiler incorporates a firebox or furnace in order to burn the fuel and generate heat. The generated heat is transferred to water to make steam, the process of boiling. This produces saturated steam at a rate which can vary according to the pressure above the boiling water. The higher the furnace temperature, the faster the steam production. The saturated steam thus produced can then either be used immediately to produce power via a turbine and alternator, or else may be further superheated to a higher temperature; this notably reduces suspended water content making a given volume of steam produce more work and creates a greater temperature gradient, which helps reduce the potential to form condensation. Any remaining heat in the combustion gases can then either be evacuated or made to pass through an economiser, the role of which is to warm the feed water before it reaches the steam boiler.

Steam boiler pics:

steam boiler pic in new zealand

water tube steam boiler in India
Water tube boiler in Indonesia

Source: http://www.zgsteamboiler.com/project/

Email to:industrialboilermerry@hotmail.commerryzzboiler@gmail.com to get contact with ZG boilers' engineer.

