
wood fired outdoor hot water boiler technology

The wood fired outdoor hot water boiler is a variant on the indoor wood, oil or gas boiler. An outdoor wood fired hot water boiler or outdoor wood stove is a unit about 4-6 feet wide and around 10 feet long. It is made up of three main parts, the firebox, which can be either round or square, the water jacket, and the exhaust heat reclaiming system. The fire box ranges from 2 to 5 feet long and can be as tall as 4 feet. It is fit lengthwise inside the outer shell and is surrounded by the water jacket. The water Jacket is a second shell around the fire box which is filled with water, which is circulated through insulated underground lines to the house, where the heat can be transferred from the water to the existing heating system. After the wood is burned, the smoke is passed through the water jacket to reclaim much of the heat in the exhaust. Many companies now manufacture various models. Such manufacturers is ZG Boilers. 
wood fired outdoor hot water boiler- ZG Boiler

ZG Boiler established in the year of 1945 with exported to more than 100 countries like Africa, South America, Europe, South East Asia etc.  The company is focus on supply of boilers, like wood fired hot water boiler, wood fired steam boiler, power station boiler, biomass boiler etc.  

www.zghorizontalboiler.com; www.zgsteamboiler.com;  Email to: industrialboilermerry@hotmail.com; merryzzboiler@gmail.com to get contact with ZG boilers' engineer.

